A (Starry Starry Knight) Poem

Standing on my shore of darkness
I am naked (free) standing with arms raised
up to the ever-present stars; they flood my soul
and flowing in from the mouth they shoot out 
of my fingers, toes, the ends of my hair
while whispering wind whips millions of strands 
and ends of curls lap my legs and body
The darkness engulfs me and the waving sea sings 
to my eyes, softly
	with dolcet words it moans to me;
I am naked (free) standing on the ever-changing sands
and reaching 
                    deep cold wet sea, (reaching to me then teasing away)
it entrances me—
	the stars follow as I cup my hands and bend down (naked) and reach deep inside the star-encrusted waves

The stars are gone....

the sea is black, 
it is graceful and eloquent in its song as it sways far away from me, chanting
I am naked (empty and left open) sprawled in the ever-moving sands 
the taunting chanting whispering wondering wind makes my hair to wrap around my face,
                                                                                          feet,. . . . . . . . . 
The wind makes my hair to dance, fall, jump,
like tiny soft rose pedals stroking, caressing my neck
around my neck the many thin strands wrap
			(not unlike children as they dance around the brightly-coloured pole in the spring time)
	and I convulse, rolling, covered in the kaleidoscopic sands.

The leaves on the bending trees are jumping free
the trees are naked and the leaves are flying (free)
their branches are swaying and the wind, it yells 
while the absence of stars leaves me

copyright 1997 Rachael Lee