i am not sure why he finds happiness in the snow 
does he love the way it falls on his fingers
does he find the cold is only melted by the heat of his body?
    (is my body so cold i cannot find happiness in the snow?)
as he trods in wet December leaves i wonder
    are the feathers in his hair so cold?
    and does the ice on his lips
          does it melt when he is kissing
                           when he is kissing your such snowy lips?

and why does of the light the street-lamps and coffee-shop signs
      why does the light reflect off his snowy hair?
and what makes the cold ice so soft?
                         does the moon enjoy his presenceand ?
                        does she (whom he kisses) enjoy it? ?
      but i know he is pleased when the snow falls
                 (softly, illuminating his hair)
does he sigh, hearing the powdery flakes dusting?

why do his ice-blue eyes glitter while mine still shiver in the cold?
              i wonder, often, where is this warmth inside him,
                            that melts away all snowy flakes?
       (and why does the ice rest on my shoulders?)
and does the copper of your eyes intice him,
              as mine of the jade sky?
                           (though mine freeze and yours do not) mine are hotter
i beleive. . .
                 and his are cold.

oh, i grow weary of climbing trees to hide myself
               from your jaws
     and the trees are cold (naked) their leaves have mixed with the land
and even the birds have flown awy
       and the melting sky reflects moments never taken
                                                     risks never taken 
                                            choices although given
                                                                              not touched.

    my fingers are folded
                                his open, raised to the white-blue sky
which empties frozen raindrops 
                              (teardrops, frozen)
                                                         (in my eyes.)


copyright 1997 Rachael Lee

matt romero
