The black woman gave the ring to the lesbian "thank you" said the lesbian as she kissed the man standing next to her and holding her hand "(my husband)" the lesbian explained to the black woman, pointing to a transvestite across the room. "it's a very nice velvet miniskirt he's wearing," remarked the black woman as she began to take the ring from the lesbian. "and his legs are nicely shaven" The lesbian hung on to the ring and would not let it go as she pinched the ass of a bisexual asian girl walking past with drinks. The asian girl stopped. She offered the black woman a drink, who declined, pointing to the man standing next to the lesbian The man in the skirt sauntered to the man standing next to the lesbian, kissed him tenderly, and explained "(my wife)", pointing to the lesbian. The asian girl dropped her tray of drinks. The lesbian snickered. The black woman let go of the ring and the asian girl Snatched the lesbian screeching "(my Copyright 1997 Rachael Lee