Lies and carrot water
Lies and carrot water

i saw you in the hospital 
cafe you were 
peering down into your
coffee with no cream and one sugar and 

the cafe was warm it was 
full of chatter and you 
wished you hadn't 
ordered the chicken it was

there were souls 
everywhere they were 
laughing and coughing it was 
the most congenial cafe
you'd seen. 

alone in this room full 
of furniture and foods and
throw-away lives you stared into 
your coffee and 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

i saw you outside the 
city library it was way past
closing time you were
just lingering with no where 
to go. 
sucking on an overripe 
lemon you stared 
into the rain and the cars 
the people the buses the buildings took no 

an empty 
look on your face you 
yelled for a taxi and seeing none
stepped into a large 

i watched you walk drenched
to the west in order to see the 
rising of venus
you didn't even think of 
going home. 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

i saw you in your lover's
arms you sipped her greedily not 
looking anywhere but the ceiling
she cried

the room was lit coldly it 
sat a silent observer
waiting for you 
to leave the empty music 

clawing you dug for 
something deeper than yourself wanting she 
writhed in her own 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

i saw you in bed you were
keeping warm in someone else's underwear you 
tossed and turned accidentally 
pushing the book you had been reading off the 

i peered through the window and wondered if you 
felt me watching even in your 
sleep you kept your head far from the 


copyright 1997 Rachael Lee